By loo Jia Huey

Vitamin D deficiency refers to the lack of Vitamin D in your body.
As it enables the development of strong and healthy bones, the deficiency of the vitamin often leads to bone loss, which could cause the bones to fracture easily.
Research has shown that people with dark skin and the elderly are most prone to Vitamin D deficiency. Obesity and overeating of fish or dairy products can also be a problem.
Living far from the equator where there is little sunlight all year round, the habit of always using sunscreen when going out, and forever staying indoors are all common risks for this deficiency.
Both children and adults are vulnerable to Vitamin D deficiency. Children will develop symptoms such as weakness in muscles, pain in bones and deformities in joints, while the adults may find themselves experiencing fatigue, bone pain or muscle weakness. Sometimes, they may experience some form of depression as well.
One can get enough Vitamin D from being exposed to sunlight or, or specifically, the ultraviolet-b light. In countries near the equator such as Malaysia, the UV light levels are higher; however, surprisingly, many Malaysians still suffer from Vitamin D deficiency.
Alternatively, people can obtain Vitamin D from various types of food, such as fish which contain more oil (swordfish, salmon, and tuna), dairy products (milk, cheese, and yogurt), cereal and cod-liver oil.
During the MCO, many people are quarantined at home, which would mean staying away from the sunlight. Because of this, we should eat the recommended food as mentioned above to increase the Vitamin D level in our body.
Even though Vitamin D cannot stop the COVID-19, a report in the New Straits Times mentioned that “it may have benefits during the pandemic as it boosts (one’s) immune system.”