By Nathan Tan

Gazing at the stars one gloomy night, Pinocchio felt lonely.
The small, one-eyed alien has no family. “It is so boring living alone in such a big house. If only I have a friend!” Pinocchio soaked in self-pity.
Waking up early the next morning, Pinocchio rode on his speedy spacecraft to the Mr. DIY shop and bought some tools for a project that he had been toying around for weeks. He toiled for hours, missing even his lunch of vitamin pills.
“Finally! My mission accomplished!” Pinocchio sighed. He has just created a happy and flexible robot cat. Pinocchio named it Geppetto.
“Meow…” Geppetto was jumping around the room happily. “Let’s go to the zoo,” Pinocchio told Geppetto. For once, Pinocchio had someone he could call his friend. Both of them were very excited being together.
On arrival at the zoo, Geppetto jumped up and hid behind Pinocchio’s shoulder. “Pinocchio, look at the scary alien with three tails and a spikey shell over there!” Geppetto meowed, “and there, another smelly alien with hairy body and two long antennas!”
One ugly alien with a big tummy and two humps walked past them. Geppetto closed both his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw others who had disgusting slimy wings. “Yuks!” Geppetto meowed.
Pinnochio just laughed. “Stay here and don’t go anywhere!” instructed Pinocchio and he headed to the ticket counter. “Meow!” Geppetto sat on the floor with both eyes closed
As Geppetto was waiting, he saw Cricketty, a beautiful robot cat wearing a pink dress walked towards the zoo entrance. “Beep boop, beep boop,” Geppetto heart was pounding very fast. He rose to his feet, and before he realised it, he was already tailing the pink dressed cat.
When they entered the zoo, Stromboli, a fierce robot dog spotted Geppetto. Stromboli chased Geppetto all around the zoo and bit him on the tail. “Meooow!!!” Geppetto screeched.
Pinocchio heard Geppetto’s cry and immediately rushed into the zoo. “Geppetto! Oh dear Geppetto!” Pinocchio quickly grabbed Geppetto and hid him away from Stromboli.
When things calmed down, Pinocchio scolded Geppetto, angrily, “I told you not to go anywhere! Why didn’t you listen to me?”
Geppetto was frightened and in pain, but he felt relieved to be with Pinocchio.
As they walked in the zoo, Cricketty appeared again. “Meow..” Geppetto became friendly with her and they disappeared again.
Eventually, Pinocchio realized that he had lost Geppetto. Frantically, he searched for Pinocchio. Suddenly, he fell into a deep hole. “Ahhhhh!!!” Pinocchio screamed fearfully. Geppetto was in the same hole!
All of a sudden, Pinocchio woke up and realized that it was a dream! “Ding Dong!” he heard his doorbell rang. When he opened the door, he saw a box left at the doorstep