By Alyson Ng

The imposters were chatting in the cafeteria.
“How can we capture the crewmates?” Player asked MrEgg.
“You get Pilot and TheGentleman, while I kill MrCheese and Ninja,” MrEgg strategised.
So, MrEgg and Player spread out and went their own separate ways.
At that very moment when Player and MrEgg managed to kill MrCheese and TheGentleman, Ninja pressed the emergency button.
Ninja and Pilot were given 20 seconds to discuss with the two imposters and another 10 seconds to vote. Everyone initially thought that Pilot was the imposter.
So all of them voted for Pilot, and Pilot had to be thrown out of the spaceship.
But, Pilot was not the imposter. So, there was only one crewmate left – Ninja!
The imposters hid themselves in the vent. “Okay, Player, I want you to help me get Ninja,” MrEgg whispered into Player’s right ear.
Meanwhile, Ninja was doing some re-wiring work on the right side of the spaceship.
He thought to himself. “There are supposed to be two imposters. MrCheese and TheGentleman are already dead. And, Pilot, too!” he muttered. “So, I guess the imposters must be Player and MrEgg then!”
Before Ninja realised it, the Imposters leapt out of the vent suddenly and in a split of a second, they killed Ninja.
“We won!” MrEgg shouted, excitedly.
“Hurray!” Player cheered.
The Crewmates were defeated by the two Imposters. The Game ‘Among Us’ is over!