By Leong Anna
To all the fellow Malaysians,
It is unbelievable that Covid-19 cases in Malaysia have escalated rapidly to more than 10,000 cases per day.
In Selangor alone, there are more than 5000 cases per day, superseding other states in the country. Do you wish to see this situation worsening?
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our life. Many people lost their jobs. S ome are having to deal with depression and suicidal thoughts. In fact, many are affected in different ways that have changed the way they socialize, do businesses, study and commute.
In education, lessons have been long converted to online approaches where some students are left out in their learning as they cannot afford to buy digital devices or have access to the internet. Although many efforts have been made to help these unfortunate students to have their own learning devices, unfortunately many parents are struggling to juggle their own work, family routines and coaching their own children’s studies.
I watch the news with sadness when I see the death cases are rising but at the same time I a m amazed with those who could embrace the challenges and changes in their lives. For example, an ex-flight crew couple decided to open a nasi lemak stall in Penang due to disruption in the travel industry, causing many people in this industry to lose their livelihood.
Others have also ventured into some new businesses or start new jobs after they lost their jobs. Most of them become deliverymen or sell their homemade food. They are keen to buckle down, no matter how difficult it is to survive. They are content if they can make enough to feed their families. Furthermore, they are not expecting a luxury lifestyle.
The medical frontliners such as doctors and nurses are also taking care of the Covid-19 patients in the hospital with lots of difficulties due to shortages in technical, medical and manpower. They need to work for 24 hours and only have some brief time to rest.
As a member of the public, I also feel pitiful for them because they are always feeling tired, overworked and hardly have much time to eat their meals. To the generous and thoughtful Malaysians out there, you can prepare some satisfying food for our dearest frontliners as a simple gesture of gratitude for their selfless sacrifices.
Not only the doctors and nurses but also the , police, deliverymen and women , food vendors and many others have helped us to be more accessible in our daily routines. When we order food by using the food delivery app, the food delivery staff will send the food to our house. As a simple way to thank them and help them to earn a little bit more, we can give them a small tip.
There are many small simple ways yet significant ones to encourage our frontliners to continue their best efforts with strength and perseverance. For example, sharing positive quotes, drawing posters, making short videos to thank them using social media . By doing so, we are helping to spread positive vibes among the community.
I a m very sure that almost everyone seems to go completely bonkers after staying at home too long because I feel the same way too.
But the Covid situation in Malaysia is worsening each day as there are more deaths involving the younger people now. For those who have yet to be vaccinated, do no t hesitate to do so immediately.
Please stay at home, wear your masks properly when you go out and wash your hands when you come home. We must protect our family and ourselves.
Lindung diri, lindung semua. Kita jaga kita!