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An Unexpected Disappearance


Updated: Aug 23, 2021

By Olivia Larasati Puspita

As the sky greeted the new day with a burst of pinks and purple and blues, the streets below grew busier with people on their usual morning routine.

The setting is a beautiful city called Acreta, with many trees cut into spiral shapes lining its busy roads covered with vehicles while human traffic filled the sidewalks. Members of Acretan society delight in spending time with each other, relishing the memories of each day.

“Goood mor-ning,” yawned Gabriela Grace to herself. Gabbie, as others call her, is a tall and timid thirteen-year-old girl with dark golden brown hair a little longer than shoulder length.

Uniquely, her sapphire-blue eyes shine and smile in every direction it observes. Baking was her avocation which supports the fact that seventy-year-old Grandpa Hart runs his very own cafe, aptly named The Hart Cafe.

With the first blush of morning, everyone in The Hart Cafe arose from bed to get started with the day. After Gabriela’s father died of cancer, she and Mrs. Hart moved in together with Grandpa, living right above the cafe itself. As Grandpa and Gabbie finished their essential morning chores, they joyfully walked down the stairs to bake some enticing delicious bread.

Their bestseller has always been the raisin bread, soft and appetizing. As they start off with the first batch of bread, Mrs. Hart would be up and raring to go, for the famous detective can never be late for whatever serious investigations beckon each day. Mrs. Hart, also known as Nollie, has this similar hair to Gabriela although her eyes are brown almond. Elegantly, she must always be ready for any pressing dilemma.

Amid morning greetings, Gabbie and Grandpa loved to play some relaxing jazz music while waiting for the bread to rise and for customers to flood in. They enjoyed this moment most. At exactly eight forenoon, the boulangerie would be filled with cheerful voices and this made the owner and his granddaughter smile with peace in mind.

Unexpectedly, in came two people with tuxedos and sunglasses. They strode directly to the cashier and placed a small envelope on the counter, then left without uttering a single word or any warning.

There was a hush as everyone inside was intrigued by what they had just witnessed. Gabbie slowly went and picked up the envelope, and found a note tucked inside. It claimed that her mother was kidnapped!

“Oh my goodness!” exclaimed Gabriela. She passed the note to Grandpa, and they both decided to get to the bottom of it. At first, Gabbie was petrified with the thought of an adventure, so she asked her trusty best friend, Gwen Smith, to join her. Gwen, also aged thirteen, has light brown eyes and curvy blonde hair. Wearing sneakers and a backpack is her trademark look.

As the girls rushed to Mrs. Hart’s office, they asked her closest friends about the surprise note and whether they knew anything about it. Everyone responded by shaking their heads.

“Really, no one knows anything!” Gwen exclaimed with frustration.

“I’m not sure what to do now,” sighed Gabbie as she slouched backwards.

“Hey, we can do this,” Gwen said with an encouraging smile.

Reading the note again, they both followed its instruction: Go to Horizon Park.

Suddenly, the girls found themselves in front of two different pathways. Eventually …

“I found something! Mom’s wallet!” Gabbie’s confidence grew.

“Yeah,” Gwen agreed. “And there is her name card in it.”

They went down the left lane and followed its path which led them to a striking hill on top of which perched a huge, old castle.

“Wow, this is amazing,” said Gwen, who loved anything medieval.

They found a glass staircase leading up to the castle door and walked on it with a little trepidation. As they gingerly entered the mysterious portal, a metal gate slammed down behind them. Icicle-like stones then formed from the ceiling downwards. There appeared pillars with two curved stairs in the middle, leading to the upper floor.

“Oh dear,” panicked Gabbie.

They then heard a muffled voice calling for help and ran to where it came from. There, behind a pillar, they found Mrs Smith, tied up with a rope.

“Mom!?” exclaimed Gwen with confusion.

“But I thought it was my mom that’s kidnapped. ” Gabbie wondered sadly. “Then where is my mom?”

As both girls talked at the same time, and before Mrs. Smith could say anything, an evil-sounding laugh came from behind them.

“What do you kids think you are doing?” asked the unknown woman with a scornful tone. “I’m Hillary Dawn if you are curious.”

Hillary was dressed in a black dress and coat, her face covered with her hood. Both girls vigorously rose on their feet, fists ready. Suddenly, Hillary pulled out a katana and dashed to the girls. Just seconds before she brandished the sword, Gabbie pushed Gwen away.

“STOP!” yelled Gabbie with her hand held up.

Hillary halted and threw a curious face.

“What?” she asked, bemused.

Gabbie examined her closely and saw something familiar. Hillary is wearing a purple scarf that is barely seen.

“Hm, mom has a similar scarf like that,” Gwen mumbled and edged her way towards Hillary, her legs trembling.

Hillary had a little smile behind her hood. Finally, she showed her face to the light.

“Mom! I knew it was you!” exclaimed Gabbie.

“W-what?” Gwen asked effortlessly.

She was left speechless and confused. She could barely blink. Mrs. Smith giggled and easily freed herself from the rope.

“Honey, I knew you could do it,.” said Mrs Hart. “Mrs Smith and I planned all this to observe and train up your bravery and confidence, and I knew you’d be able to do it.”

“But I don’t get it. Why would you do that rather than asking me to join a competition or something?” asked the innocent girl blankly.

“I’m a detective, remember?” Mrs. Hart winked.

Gabbie laughed embarrassedly while twiddling her fingers.

“Let’s go home! I’m hungry,” proclaimed Gwen.

Everyone laughed cheerfully and as they reached home, they noticed that Grandpa had baked the popular raisin bread, accompanied with lemonade.

“How was your adventure, Gab?” he asked with his genial smile.

Before Gabbie took a bite, she looked at Grandpa and wondered whether Mrs Hart had told him about the plan she made. Next thing, everyone laughed and patted Gabbie’s shoulders.

And that, apparently, was the start of Gabriela Grace’s adventures.



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©2021-3 by Shaun GH Ng
Disclaimer: The photograph
s used in this website are for illustration purposes only.

This is just a platform for a 12-year-old child to learn entrepreneurship. It reflects his attempt to turn his online magazine into a revenue generator just for some pocket money. 

Lack of resources explains why this project is still amateurish.

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