by Siddhanth Rameeswarran

Apocalypsebourg, Viscousbourg and Crimesbourg were three cities in Crimeland.
Each city had a protector, but only one superhero cared for all the cities.
For Apocalypsebourg, there was Phoenix Speed and his sidekick, the Speedy Kid, while Mighty Man and his sidekick, the Strong Kiddo protected Viscousbourg.
Meanwhile, Captain Power and his faithful sidekick, James Amadeus Hart, who was also known as the Amazing Kid not only protected one city but for the whole of Crimesland.
One day, Captain Power was testing his new Base 8.Sympathy No.9 mobile car, The Tycoon Mobile 400.
At that moment, the car database alarm was triggered off. “DANGER!” Captain Power warned.
He contacted Hart with his Whizz Watch and told him to head down to The Tycoon Cave.
“What’s going on?” said Hart. “We have a situation,” said Captain Power. “Someone has been thrown into the Time Warp made by poison.”
“Well that’s terrible,” said Hart.
“I know”, said Captain Power. “So, let’s blow some bubbles and rescue the citizens,” continued Captain Power, as they took their bubble gum tubes.
Captain Power asked Jeremiah, the manager, to set the Tycoon Cave into jet mode. Jeremiah hit the jet mode button and immediately the Tycoon Cave turned into the Tycooner-mobile 3000.
Captain Power and James became Super Captain Power and Super Kid for extra-protection and headed to the Time Warp.
They used the Ultramax’s suction claw to turn off the Time Warp. Everybody was safe, but their job wasn’t done yet. They still had to battle with the Time Jerko.
“Well,well,well,” said the Time Jerko.
“It’s over, JERK!” Captain Power shouted.
After they blabbed over stuff, they battled. At the end, Super Captain Power and Super Kid saved the day once again.
“You know, it was quite easy,” said Super Kid.
“Yehhhhh……………,” Captain Power responded, with a smile.
After they returned to Crimesbourg, they had a Greek food party.
Now that Crimesourg was back in place, James and Ray could have a rest.
(Sidd is 8 years old and a great fan of Captain Power. He is currently studying in a Christian-based private school)