By Bryan Hoo

In the dark street of Burrows Drive, there stood a lonely building – except for that one light that flickered on and off in one window.
There, sat a man, his name was Harold Brown. He was a 6-foot-tall, serious man, with a moustache.
Mr Brown always left the office last, making sure that he finishes every piece of work piling up on his desk. He did his work responsibly and seriously, but there was a lighter side of him: there is a family he would always help and serve. Overall, he was the average man you would meet on the streets of London.
“Finished!” sighed Mr Brown. He got up and started to pack. Before he could even walk a step away from his table, he heard a voice, far off in the hallway.
“Pay for your sins, Harold…” the voice whispered, but Harold could hear it clearly as there was pin drop silence throughout the entire building at night.
Mr Brown froze. Calling back, he asked, “Who’s there?”
Suddenly, he heard footsteps, soft at first, then it got louder and heavier. “Pay for your sins, Harold…” the voice said again.
Harold dived under his desk, and hid, he knew very well the voice didn’t belong here.
“Pay for your sins, Harold!” it said again, but it sounded angry this time.
By now, Harold’s heart was beating faster than usual. He could feel the goose bumps on his hands. “Who could that be!” he thought.
Then, the footsteps stopped. Suddenly, the door began to creak open, followed by the sound of a metallic object rolling on the floor. Harold held his breath, but then…
“Pay for your sins, Harold…” the voice whispered. Harold whipped around to see a face of a bloodied corpse, staring with two eyeless sockets, and a devilish grin on its face.
Harold screamed, and the corpse lunged at him.
In the dark street of (where), there stood a lonely building – except for that one light that flickered on and off in one window. There sat a corpse. Its name was Harold Brown…,
Bryan Hoo, 13, will be publishing his own book soon. To read the rest of the story to find out who kiled Harold Brown, get his book once published.