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First Lady Prime Minister ...

(Congratulations to Jia Huey who made it to the finals! Watch her giving her speech here. Please click the photograph above and go straight 2hr 57 min. She is the last candidate)

By Loo Jia Huey

When Tunku Abdul Rahman shouted “Merdeka!” seven times on the eve of August 31, 1957, it marked the birth of a new nation.

Tunku rightfully became the nation’s first Prime Minister. After that, we have had seven other men, but never a woman, becoming the prime ministers of this country.

Hello everyone, my name is Loo Jia Huey, a humble Malaysian, born and bred in this beautiful country of ours. Imagine, today, if I became the first female Prime Minister in Malaysia, here is my manifesto to make Malaysia a better country for people of all races and religious background.

Economic reformation will be at the top of my agenda. The economy of this country must be elevated with the help of science and technologies. I will put in place policies to transform Malaysia’s high-tech industries because it is a multi- billion economy.

Incentives will be offered to innovative ideas and entrepreneurship. With abundance of jobs created, I believe I can reverse the brain drain that this country is experiencing, besides lifting the living standard of the average Malaysians.

Let me quote Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” The time is now to revamp our education system.

Gone are the days when the teachers spoon-feed the students. We must emphasize on creativity and innovation in our education system. Education is very important because it is the young people of today who are going to propel Malaysia’s economy forward when they join the workforce.

Ladies and gentlemen, another major cause of concern now is global warming. Our earth will be heading to destruction if we fail to intervene immediately.

My government will focus on developing and funding green energy initiatives and recycling industries. At the same time, I will impose hefty (heavy) penalties on those who pollute our air, water, and environment. We have no second choices. If we want to put Malaysia on the world map as one of the most livable countries, we have to be proactive in saving our environment.

Last but not least, there is an ancient Chinese proverb which claims that “Women hold up half the sky.” As a female Prime Minister, I would promote gender equality and encourage more Malaysian females to take up leadership positions within the government.

According to the statistics as of 31 December 2020, we only have 18 percent of women in senior government positions. We definitely can do better in this area!

My dream is to make Malaysia a self-sufficient and a self-reliant country. To achieve this vision, we will certainly need peace, harmony and unity among Malaysians from all walks of life.

Look at these twigs on the ground. When I pick up just one stick, it is easily broken. But, when I hold a bunch of them together, it is impossible to break the bundle. The bundle of twigs represent a multiracial society. When all races unite, we become a strong and resilient nation.

Remember, we are all Anak Malaysia!

I am 11 years old, and I look forward to a Malaysia with a brighter future ahead! This is my country where I will grow up and this is the country I will serve.

Thank you very much!

Jia Huey is 11 years old.

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