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Writer's pictureStephen Ng

If I were the Queen of the Kingdom of Moluccs....

By Jocelyn Yong

Over many centuries, the kings and queens of different countries were like the fathers and mothers to their subjects. They were required to shoulder many responsibilities. However, there were also some greedy rulers who treated their people as slaves to work for them without being paid.

As the queen of the Kingdom of Moluccs, I will ensure that my people are well taken care of. After looking into the past, I decided to levy tax based on the people’s monthly income and their prosperity in order to reduce their economic burden.

To be an honoured and respectable ruler, I must contribute to the country. Firstly, I will use the money collected from the taxes to build more low cost houses for the low income groups to have a comfortable shelter to live in. The low cost houses will be equipped with adequate water and electricity supply.

On the other hand, schools will be established in the rural areas. This can create more opportunities for the children from the poor family to receive the right education. Every children are the country's future leaders! Besides, more infrastructures such as roads will also be built in those isolated areas to furthermore improve the quality of the people’s lives.

Moreover, I will invest money in the country’s agriculture sector. Modern technologies and machines used in the agriculture sector can help to increase the productivity of crops. Developing the country’s agriculture sector is like killing two birds with one stone. Besides creating more career opportunities, it also helps to boost the country’s economy.

Last but not least, as a responsible ruler, I would like to improve the healthcare system of the country. Many medical equipment and healthcare facilities will be upgraded. New government hospitals and clinics will be built to provide equal treatment to the people regardless of their status. This can stabilise the healthcare system, especially when a pandemic hits the country.

From time to time, I shall also go around my kingdom in the disguise of an ordinary person to find out first hand my people’s genuine problems and try my best to solve them. All my soldiers should be equipped with modern weapons and undergo intensive training, so that they are always alert and able to defend the country from the attack of the enemies.

As a queen, I would not expand my kingdom by conquering other countries. Instead, I will maintain good relationships with my neighbouring countries, so that everyone can live peacefully. I would do anything necessary for the welfare of my kingdom.

(Jocelyn Yong is 14 years old)

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