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It would be a case of miscarriage of Justice, Your Honour!

By Joel Tye

Honourable Judge and Members of the Jury This is a copy of the Plaintiff, Mr Joe Cai’s Maybank account. On 22 July 2021 at 10am, my Client, Mr Yoon Hae Kang was said to have used fake money to buy a gold trophy from the Plaintiff. On 23 July 2021 at 5pm, when the Plaintiff realised the money was fake, he immediately went to the Brickfields Police Station to lodge a police report against my Client. .

However, my Client claimed that the fake money was not from him, and that the Plaintiff must have received it from someone else.

Therefore, Your Honour, the Accused did not use fake money as there is more than enough evidence that showed he was never involved in the purchase of the trophy using fake money. The CCTV footage from the Plaintiff’s shop showed that the Accused and my Client, Mr Yoon wasn't at the shop that day. Prosecution Exhibit 0025A, Your Honour. This means that it was not my Client who used fake money to buy the golden trophy at that shop that day.

My Client was shopping with his wife at Main Place at the material time. His wife, Mrs Yoon Li Li (Defence Witness 001) is an alibi. She said that my Client was with her when they were shopping on 22/7/2021. They were there from 10am to 11.35am. A shop assistant (Defence Witness 023A) at Main Place saw the Accused and greeted him. They even had a good conversation together which the Defence Witness 023A, in a Statutory Declaration, stated clearly.

My Lord, the Plaintiff is not telling the truth. In the CCTV footage (Prosecution Exhibit 021A), it was another man, one known to my Client as Mr Wang Jie Shen, in the shop. He was the one who bought the gold trophy.

The Plaintiff accused my Client just because he is wealthy. As a matter of fact, the Plaintiff himself has a criminal record for fraud. He has been sentenced to jail for 2 years. Therefore, Your Honour, with such a record, can the Plaintiff be trusted and the Accused being made a victim of this court that is supposed to uphold justice? Far from it, My Lord.

The Plaintiff knows that my Client is wealthy because he owns a big company. The police searched Mr Yoon's house and there was no gold trophy. This means that Mr Yoon is not guilty of purchasing the gold trophy using fake money.

To turn the table around, my Lord, the Plaintiff had lodged a false police report and he should be charged in court. If the court rules in favour of the Plaintiff, this would amount to the Plaintiff successfully scamming money from an innocent victim. I rest my case, Your Honour.

(Editorial note; This is a good attempt by an 11-year-old Joel Tye. He has been briefed that in Malaysia, the jury no longer exists. However, the context of this case which he is the Defence Counsel for Mr Yoon is in a British court.)

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