By Wayngelin Wong

Suddenly the car broke down in the middle of the Karak Highway the father was shocked, because he make sure the car has been service before he go back. so he tried fixing the car but nothing work. He hope for someone to past by because it’s a long public holiday and everyone should be using the highway.
For some reason no one came by after waiting for 1 -2 hour, so the father had no choice to go look around to find a public phone to call the police. He told his wife to lock the door while his gone, the wife did what she was told and locked the door. After 1 hour and 30 minutes finally there were some cops passing by.
They told the wife to bring the baby out of the car with her and not to speak and look around. After that the that the cop ask her to get in the car quickly, in the car the cop drove away as fast as he could. After a safe distant he told the wife that his husband is dead because the body was on the road and it was coas by a hungry tiger, the body were halve eaten the head was gone too.
After the terrifying news the cops told the wife to not travel alone or in the night.