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Writer's pictureStephen Ng

The Accused is guilty as charged, Your Honour!

Good morning to all, Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury.

My Client, Ms Chloe asked her house agent, Mr Michael, to help her to buy house insurance and he promised to do so. But, when my Client checked with the insurance company, there was no record of her house insurance.

The staff of the insurance company (Witness #1) gave me the record of the customers who bought the insurance (Exhibit 202). It is confirmed that there is indeed no insurance record of Ms Chloe.

Your Honour, I would like to bring to your attention that my Client asked the Accused, Mr Michael, to help her to buy the house insurance because she was busy and had no time to buy it herself.

My Client already checked with the insurance company to reconfirm the insurance purchase because the Accused told her that he had already paid the money to the insurance company and she would get the proof of purchase soon. Witness #1 revealed that he had never met the Accused with regard to the house insurance.

Your Honour, this is Accused's bank money transaction record. The record shows that his bank account had an amount of RM1,202,00.95 deposited on Aug 3, 2020.

The amount of the money is the same as the amount that my Client had given to him. I also checked that the Accused bought many branded products such as Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton and other expensive accessories using the money. Obviously, the Accused cheated my client's money to use it for himself.

Your Honour, the Accused is guilty of cheating my client’s money because there is a lot of evidence to prove that he had lied to my Client causing her to lose so much money . Thank you.

(Anna Leong is 13 years old. Editorial note: The British courts have the jury system but it no longer exists in our court system).

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