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The runaway girl


Updated: Aug 23, 2021

By: Loh Misha

Anyone who knew Lucy would remember that she was very talented and loved music and singing. She enjoyed her life until one day, sadly, her parents passed on.

Life took a turn, when she had to live with her aunt and uncle. They weren't as nice Lucy's own parents. To put it crudely, they weren't nice AT ALL!.

Her aunt and uncle adored their own children. They had two daughters and one son, but Lucy was considered a big burden to them.

Just like any other day, when Lucy heard her baby brother crying, she inched out of her bed. Her aunt had called out to her, “ LUCY! COME DOWN STAIRS RIGHT NOW!”

Lucy quickly got ready and went down. “WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!” shouted Lucy's aunt but before Lucy could even answer, her aunt shouted again. “ Whatever it is that you did, I don't care. Quickly, get your baby brother!”

“Of course, Aunt…” Lucy replied.

She went to her baby brother, Conny’s room. When Lucy went in, she saw her brother crying.

She went over to calm Conny down. Right after she had prepared food for her family, she got ready for school. While she walked to school, her stepsisters were chauffeur-driven.

When Lucy finally reached school, she saw her sisters, Heather and Nancy bullying a girl in class.

“HEY STOP!” Lucy shouted.

Heather replied sarcastically, “Why should I? You have no rights to boss me around!”

Lucy threatened to call the principal if they didn’t stop. The sisters had no choice but to stop bullying the girl, Abby, and left her alone. At break time, Abby went up to Lucy to thank her for defending her from the bullies.

“Don’t mention it!” said Lucy

RIght after break time Lucy and Abby started chatting, and discovered they had a lot in common. Both were very fond of animals, watching anime, looking for outfits and especially crafts! After a few months, the duo soon became best of friends!

One day in school when Lucy was talking to Abby, Heather came up to them. “What are you girls doing here..?!”

“Just talking…” replied Abby

“I wasn't talking to you!” Heather retorted.

“S-sorry” the timid Abby said, quietly.

Lucy grabbed Abby’s hand and ran to class, leaving Heather alone.

“Hey! I’m not done!!” Heather shouted to Lucy.

When Lucy and Abby reached class, they were exhausted from running across the hallway.

“Teacher’s not here yet..” remarked Abby

“I can see..” replied Lucy

Then, they went to their lockers and to check their timetable. “Oh, no! It is a Maths period,” Lucy shrieked.

They rushed to their Maths class. The teacher scolded both Lucy and Abby for being late to class again.

After school

Abby was walking Lucy home.

“You should go now, see you tomorrow!” said Abby.

“See you bye!” Lucy took a deep breath before entering her home.

Once Lucy stepped into the house, she heard a loud blasting music in the living room. She rushed in to see her stepsisters having a huge party…

(This appears to be Misha's attempt to write a storybook. Maybe, she may continue the story in chapter 2 of her book).



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©2021-3 by Shaun GH Ng
Disclaimer: The photograph
s used in this website are for illustration purposes only.

This is just a platform for a 12-year-old child to learn entrepreneurship. It reflects his attempt to turn his online magazine into a revenue generator just for some pocket money. 

Lack of resources explains why this project is still amateurish.

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