By Isaiah Tan
When I was five years old, I started playing all sorts of computer games. One game after another, it started with baby games, and later progressed to other games such as Roblox and `Among Us’.
Because of the thrill of playing these games, I soon became so addicted by the time I turned ten. Sometimes, I would pester my grandmother for her credit card to secretly purchase the games. My parents did not know that I was using Grandma’s credit card to pay for these games that I bought.
To escape the scrutiny of my parents, I would then lie to them that I did not play any computer games when they were out. In the past, my parents had taught me a lot about telling the truth always.
When I turned ten, my habit of lying got worse because I started to play Roblox and Among Us. There was no way I could control the temptations because I had become so addicted to these games. At the same time, I had started to realise my condition when I performed badly in school. My grades dropped and my heart sank. I started thinking of ways that could solve my addiction. There is a Bible verse that helped me when I wanted to change. It is from 1 Corinthians 10:13,
“No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”
At one point in time, something happened to me after I had bought some games using Grandma’s credit card. I suddenly felt like I had done something very wrong. I felt really remorseful for my actions. It must be the Holy Spirit nudging me about my wrongdoing. I prayed to God to forgive me, asking His help to make me never do that again.
From that moment on, God has helped me to change my attitude. I am now trying my best to overcome the addiction, This is all about growing up. As I develop better self-control, the more my parents know that they can trust me. It is important that I do not fail them. I do not want my parents to worry too much about me. With God’s help, I know I can beat the temptations.
It is natural for children to want to play games. I think some of the more educational games can help us spend our time wisely. Games like ball puzzles, brain or jigsaw puzzles, and brain tests, for example, are good to play because they help to develop your brain. After I started playing these games, I no longer have the desire to play the other games.
Here are a few practical solutions that helped me overcome my problem. Maybe you can also try them out:
Perform some tasks or do your homework to keep yourself occupied; this will stop you from thinking about playing the games.
Keep a busy schedule and fill it up with all kinds of positive activities. A timetable helps you to follow through what you have planned.
Instead of wasting your time on computer games, you can channel your energy to other hobbies. For me, I just pick up my favourite book to read.
Write a little note on the device that you use to play your games. Every time you succeed in not playing the games, you can write a note to yourself: “Well done! Today when I wanted to play games, I decided to read a novel instead!” After one week, when you are able to see all that you have accomplished, you can reward yourself.
Most importantly, since this is an addiction problem, and the temptations are ever so strong, I learn that I have to depend on God all the more to resist the temptation. Whenever I feel tempted, I just remind myself of the words of 1 Corinthians 10:13. I bow my head and I ask God, “Please, Lord, help me!”
Having stopped playing computer games, I realise how much time I am able to channel to other things. Spending two hours a day on games meant that I had spent over 720 hours, or an equivalent of almost 30 non-sleep days a year in front of the computer screen!
With this amount of time God has given to me, I could have done something more meaningful.
If you have successfully overcome the addiction to computer games, perhaps you can also share it with us.
Proud of you and thank you for sharing your experience 🥰