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When a 9-year-old teaches a class.....

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Jayrel Tye, 9, was recently asked to prepare a teacher's script to teach in class. Here is his script...

Today, I’m gonna teach you addition.

Let's start with the basics. One digit numbers added to one digit numbers. For example, five plus five equals _______?

The first way to answer the question is to first, put up five fingers, and then another five on your other hand. Now, see how many fingers you have raised up. If that is ten, you are correct! Give yourself a pat on your back and say, “Well done!”

The other way is to use counters. If you do not know what a counter is, this is a counter.

If there is one counter and your teacher asked you to add one more, there would be two counters. Correct, children?

Now let’s talk about adding a two-digit number to another two-digit number. For example, ten plus ten equals twenty.

How do we get twenty? First, you have to add the right-most numbers. Add zero to zero. It is zero. Well done!

Then, you would need to take one and add it with one, so the answer is two and zero. Children, the answer is twenty. If you do not want to use your fingers, you can use the method below. This is why you learn Mathematics. It is to make your counting a lot easier!


+ 10




The next example is more difficult. Thirteen plus eighteen equals to 31?

First, you have to add the right-most numbers again. Add three to eight to get eleven. Then, you would need to take one and add it with one, which equals two. Add the one from eleven, to two, as shown below. The answer is thirty-one.


+ 18



+ 20




Isn’t Math easy? Please learn more about Math addition. You will find this so useful in your daily life. Try it on your own. See you next time!

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